It’s time to ditch the dairy, so moo-ve over milk!

You have all probably heard the “Got Milk” or “Milk it does a body good” commercials and seen the advertisements showing milk mustaches on celebrities promoting more dairy consumption. We have been taught all our lives that calcium is vital to bone strength and essential to our health.

But on a Paleo lifestyle, dairy is not part of the plan.

When I start telling people about my new paleo lifestyle, one of the first things that comes up is shock and questions about the “lack” of dairy in my life.

I’m sure many of you can relate. How many times have you heard “how will you get your calcium?”. Or “without dairy won’t you get osteoporosis?” or did you even get the shame on you look with a matter of fact  statement from them saying “you need dairy”.

Did it actually leave you wondering “If I’m dairy free will I be calcium deficient?”  The answer is a resounding NO!

Like so many other things we have been taught, it is a common misconception that we can only get calcium from dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese. This is simply not true.

Fact #1- There is plenty of calcium to be found in fruits, veggies, nuts, fish and seafood. You actually absorb more calcium from leafy green veggies then dairy.
Fact #2- When you remove processed foods from your diet your calcium needs become lower.
Fact #3- Too much calcium is not healthy and can actually cause osteoporosis/bone weakness.
Fact #4- Bone health is not solely dependent on Calcium. Your body needs vitamins, minerals, exercise and don’t forget about the easiest natural form-the sun.

So here are my top 10 tips on how to support calcium absorption.
1. Eliminate dairy
2. Eat fruits, green leafy veggies, nuts, almond butter and fish.
3. Limit salt intake
4. Stop eating processed foods
5. Get your sleep-8 hours min
6. Avoid sugar, grains, soda and coffee
7. Spend time in the sun
8. Do not smoke
9. Exercise
10. Heal your gut lining by eating and living a paleo lifestyle

It’s time to ditch the dairy! So moo-ve over milk!

Oh and if you need me, I’ll be outside soaking up some sun while sipping on a mean green smoothie. 😀
