Let’s face it, paleo works

As hard as it is to post these before pictures, it’s even harder to believe that this was what I looked like just a few months ago. Wow! I was truly shocked.
But let’s face it…paleo works. Not only do I physically look better, my health has improved 100%. I would love to help you on your path to a happier and healthier life. Slow and steady! Love your reflection and keep going in the right direction!!


How I went from Gluten Girl to Paleo Princess


So I have mentioned in my 1st blog, what my driving force was to go Paleo, but so many people ask me how I did it.  The answer is simple, one step at a time.  Here is how I went from GLUTEN GIRL to PALEO PRINCESS.

In Feb. 2013, I started out giving up one of my all time favorite beverages, diet coke.  Then in April 2013, I decided to give up all sodas, all artificial flavored waters and all fast food.  I was feeling better already and knew that my body was responding positively to the changes. 

So what was next for this carb queen to do?  Now I have to say that I was a pasta loving, bread indulging, cereal junkie and processed foods snacker…BIG TIME!  NEVER did I think I could live one day without these things…but guess what, you can.  Shocking I know, but once you change what you put into your body, it no longer craves those items. 

At the end of May 2013,  I knew it was time to say goodbye to gluten.   So I started out trying a few gluten free pastas, breads, snacks and treats.  Most supermarkets have a well stocked gluten free product line in the health food aisle.  Plus gluten free menus are available at most restaurants if you just ask.    Thanks to a co-worker, I decided to get rid of all white flour,  white sugar and began making smoothies.   (More on these another day)  😉  

In June 2013, I began reading a lot about the “Paleo/caveman” lifestyle.  The writing was on the wall and I knew I was going primal.  I gave up dairy (including milk my second most favorite beverage-I consumed a gallon every couple days) and all processed foods (even the gluten free stuff). I switched to raw whole foods, organic fruits and veggies, grass fed meats, free range eggs and nuts.  I was wild about my abundance of food options and what I could eat.

So here it is July of 2013 and I am LOVING my paleo life…learning new things everyday (so much of what we have been taught is a lie-more on this soon) and trying out new recipes.  I can’t tell you enough how great I feel, how different I look and how easy it is to do ( and I have 4 young very active kids and work, if i can do it, you can too-no excuses!) 

So what is on the horizon for me?  Adding a workout regimine that is free, effective and in phases.  It’s time to get physical, tone, train and condition. 

Fitness finds favor with this female and I will forge ahead to whole body health…one step at a time!