Kid “friendly” meals are not the “real” deal


How many of you have been caught up in making “convenient” and “kid friendly” meals like me? With 4 young children, I have even made 2-3 different meals at a time to accommodate all their eating preferences. Crazy, right? I’m like my own little food court. Mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, tacos, pasta, turkey bacon, cereal, mozzarella sticks and on and on.  It’s like a processed food party where everyone gets sick. 😦

Can you imagine our parents doing that? Not on your life! It was “you eat what is served or go hungry”…or in my case, not leaving the table until I cleared my plate. Do you think that in pioneer or colonial times children would have tons of meal options? Can you imagine Laura telling her Ma she didn’t want the meal that she had worked hard to prepare all day long?! I don’t think so!

One of the problems parents face today is giving in too easy and settling for quick and convenient packaged meals or fast food for their kids. So what can we as adults do to get our kids to eat healthier?

First, change what is in your cabinets. Keep forbidden and processed foods out of sight, out of mind and out of your home!

Second, start by changing just one meal at a time for a while.  For example; make paleo friendly pancakes for breakfast instead of regular ones, introduce veggie and fruit smoothies, then slowly incorporate healthy new options replacing gluten filled cereals, toasts, muffins, etc.   Then move onto lunches.

Third, talk to your kids about healthy choices.  Teach them to read their labels.  If it has more than 5 ingredients, or you don’t know what the ingredients are, it’s a “no” in our house.  If there is corn syrup, fructose, high fructose corn syrup, glucose, dextrose, etc. it is not allowed.  Yup, that means no twinkies…No nutrition in any of those kinds of things.

Fourth, Be prepared!  Always have real and healthy food choices accessible and ready at all times.  Keep a bowl of grapes/fresh fruit in the fridge, nuts in the car and homemade snack packs (larabars, dehydrated fruit, beef jerky) always with you.  Plan ahead and prepare your food in advance so you always have a meal to grab and go.

Fifth, let the kids help in the kitchen.  Kids are much more willing to eat food that they helped to prepare.  Plus it is a wonderful bonding opportunity 😉

Remember they are kids, not adults.  They do not need as much food as an adult and we need to get out of the mindset that they must clean their plates.   When they are full, it’s ok for them to be done. 

Oh and final a brief note on fast food, don’t waste your money or affect your health by eating there.  It will literally take you 5 minutes to run into a grocery store and hit the salad bar for a healthy option on the go when you are in a pinch.  Where there is a will, there is a way and if you want the best for your kids, clean eating is the real meal deal!

Cleaning out the “cures”


Does this look familiar? Is your medicine cabinet full of chemical “cures” in the form of pills, capsules and syrups?

Well, if you are starting on the paleo diet, get ready to clean out your medicine cabinet…that’s right, throw it all away! You won’t need it anymore!

One of the biggest differences that I have noticed is the significant change in my health. I no longer have any headaches, pains, cramping, skin rashes (keratosis pilaris), psoriasis, dizzy spells, heartburn, acne, acid reflux or other medical symptoms that require medicine to fix. Not to mention the awful female monthly madness, which was so much more painful due to endometriosis…is now no longer an issue. No more pain pills, nausea, heating pads and gut wrenching abdominal pain. Gone!

How can that be, you ask? Just by changing what I eat allowed my body to fix itself, NATURALLY! No drug prescription necessary!

So what if you get sick? What should you do? Hydrate, drink bone broth (bone marrow is a super food), drink green juices, have some raw honey and cinnamon and get plenty of rest.

Remember, if you eat clean food, your body will get what it needs and will respond accordingly and you will be less likely to get sick. The Paleo Diet is my prescription and my medical advice is to let food be thy medicine!

Almond Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars


Here you have it…chocolate chip cookies that are paleo mom and kid approved. Shhh, just don’t tell them they are healthy;)

Mix 4 eggs, 1/2 cup of coconut oil, 1/2 cup of raw honey, 1 tsp vanilla and a pinch of sea salt together in medium bowl. Add 1/2 cup shredded unsweetened coconut, 1 cup of almond meal and 1 cup of (Enjoy Life) chocolate chips enjoy life
Pour batter into metal cookie pan (no need to grease pan due to coconut oil) bake at 350 for 15 minutes.

Coconut Almond Waffle


Looking for a change for breakfast? Want something paleo friendly, grain free, gluten free, nutritious, delicious and fast? These waffles are exactly what you are looking for today! Takes a total of 10 minutes to prepare, cook and serve.

Here is the recipe! Enjoy!!

Whisk together 2 eggs and 1/4 cup coconut milk. Mix in 1 1/2 cups almond meal, 1/4 cup shredded unsweetened coconut, pinch of sea salt and 1/2 tsp baking soda. Next add 1 tsp vanilla extract, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 tbsp raw honey, dash of nutmeg (optional). Pour into hot waffle iron and cook for about 3 minutes. Yields 2 large waffles

Make a bunch ahead of time then freeze them for a quick meal. Just pop into the oven to heat up and top with fresh fruit.

The proof is in the Pants

Ok so this is out of my comfort zone, but I wanted to give a visual (scary as it may be for me to post). This is a photo I took last month that shows that what I am doing (eating real not processed gluten free food) really works!

I was in a size 16/18 pant and now i am in an 8. As you can see due to the rapid weight loss, I still have quite a bit of toning to do…and I am working on it. But the picture shows the results.

So keep pushing, reaching eating right and never ever give up. I will help however I can, cause I BELIEVE IN YOU!!


Beauty in imperfection

A Japanese philosophy called “wabi-sabi means roughly that there is beauty in imperfection.

Your organic fruits and veggies may not look “perfect” on the outside, but they are beautiful on the inside. You too are beautiful! Never forget that! Embrace your uniqueness, scars, flaws, imperfections and just live simply and naturally. Keep pushing, eating clean and let your inner beauty and health shine through! Sabi is a gift of time, so be patience with yourself…and it will happen!



Motivation Monday

No more excuses, try changing ONE thing TODAY. Don’t throw in the towel, unless it’s to wash from your workout. Don’t give up, you have so much more to give! Make this the best time of your life, make the effort. Nothing comes easy, but it will be worth the work, I promise! It’s time for change and change takes time. I believe in you, now you just need to believe in yourself!! Go get em! #motivationmonday


I will…because I can!

You will always find a reason (or 50) to put it off, but you owe it to yourself to make the effort. There is no time like today! Remember, just ONE step towards health, is a step in the right direction. Instead of saying “I can’t”, say “I can”!


Let’s face it, paleo works

As hard as it is to post these before pictures, it’s even harder to believe that this was what I looked like just a few months ago. Wow! I was truly shocked.
But let’s face it…paleo works. Not only do I physically look better, my health has improved 100%. I would love to help you on your path to a happier and healthier life. Slow and steady! Love your reflection and keep going in the right direction!!
